Teens & Drugs
Is your teenager using drugs? Here are some warning signs.
Signs of troubled teens on drugs in the home
* loss of interest in family activities
* disrespect for family rules
* withdrawal from responsibilities
* verbally or physically abusive
* sudden increase or decrease in appetite
* disappearance of valuable items or money
* not coming home on time
* not telling you where they are going
* constant excuses for behavior
* spending a lot of time in their rooms
* lies about activities
* finding the following: cigarette rolling papers, pipes, roach clips, small glass vials, plastic baggies, remnants of drugs (seeds, etc.)
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Signs of troubled teens on drugs at school
* sudden drop in grades
* truancy
* loss of interest in learning
* sleeping in class
* poor work performance
* not doing homework
* defiant of authority
* poor attitude towards sports or other extracurricular activities
* reduced memory and attention span
* not informing you of teacher meetings, open houses, etc.
Physical and emotional signs of troubled teens on drugs
* changes friends
* smell of alcohol or marijuana on breath or body
* unexplainable mood swings and behavior
* negative, argumentative, paranoid or confused, destructive, anxious
* over-reacts to criticism, acts rebellious
* sharing few if any of their personal problems
* doesn't seem as happy as they used to be
* overly tired or hyperactive
* drastic weight loss or gain
* unhappy and depressed
* cheats, steals
* always needs money, or has excessive amounts of money
* sloppiness in appearance
How does Answers For Parents help Parents of troubled Teens and Young Adults?
Answers For Parents is committed to helping troubled teens change their lives and once again become integral members of their families and communities. Although there is no greater resource than parents communicating and strengthening their troubled teens, sometimes intervention is required outside of the family unit and this is where Answers For Parents can help. Answers For Parents offers free expert treatment program Admissions Services for troubled teens and young adults. Please call us today for a free and confidential consultation at 877-242-6793. You can view our 24/7 Parent Help Line by clicking here.