Transport Services
Transport Services are a viable and real way for Parents to get their struggling and defiant teen to the program that has been selected. Your AFP Counselor will help with this decision.
Transport Services are only one method of getting your child to the selected program, and your AFP Counselor will discuss the options with you very clearly and very thoroughly, and then help you determine the best way to get your child enrolled in the appropriate program.
We have a list of high quality and very accomplished Transport Services to choose from, and your AFP Counselor will advise you when the time comes.
As always, your AFP Counselor will help you navigate through this process.
START NOW - take the first step in getting your Child back: 1) Call 1-877-242-6793 and speak with one of our Professionals; or 2) Take our 20 Question Pre-Assessment; or 3) Complete the Request Help Form ... and get help TODAY!